Thursday, 22 December 2011

Another One.

Hai, tamat dah satu test and another one test yang tinggal which is the last one. Eh, dah macam tongue twister pulak aku rasa..hihi =P Tadi Physics soalan nombor dua memang aku tibai habis lah..kelu kesah merana jiwa aku nak menjawabnya..anyway, dah lepas dah and waiting for the result =) Hopefully get better marks then before =) Nak mintak full marks tu tak da lah tapi show some improvement is good enough, Insya Allah =D

Esok last class untuk sem ni dan officially end up kuliah untuk Semester 1 andddddd FINAL IS COMINGGGGG ! so, yeahhh ! Sangat teruja nak menghadapi Final ! ! *ok, ini tipu* heee~ Walau macam mana pun, final tahun depan ! *bunyi macam lambat lagi kan?? wahhh !* =P

Tapi yang menjadi soalan di benak fikiran aku sekarang, SIAPA YANG AMBIL SLIP PEPERIKSAAN kelas akuuuu?? Baik mengaku !!! Kalau tak, takleh jawab final lah satu kelas macam ni..hurgwaaaaa :'((  Tapi benda tu small matter je nak settle..huehuehue =)

Tadi aku makan kat Mak Merah..whoahhh ! first time makan situ..sedapppp ! Patutlah ramai yang suggest makan kat situ..murah pun murah =) Brluppp ~ kenyang ! hihi Aku rasa my life is back ! ngeee ! Tapi nanti nanti lah aku cerita =) I'm getting happy day by day. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Thank You Allah =D

Okay, until we meet again ! Toodlesssssss =D

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Friends =)

Hello =) Now its 11.30 am and i still doing nothing ! oh oh oh ! Lapar pulak ngeeee ! =P Currently aku rasa macam hidup aku tak da arah tujuan lah pula *thinking* Bangun tidur, online lepas tu lapar then makan then tidur semula then online lagi..see the things? So bad ! Padahal, final dua minggu lagi kot? Macam tak da ape kan?? erghhhh ! Buruk perangai sungguh !

Entah kenapa kebelakangan ini hidup aku sukar untuk merasai keseronokan..ishhh ! Hanya dengan pulang ke rumah, i'll feel good =) Macam semalam? Tiba tiba mak aku ajak balik sehari..ohh, sangat best okayy? Even dapat tidur satu malam je pun..Kalau lah rumah dekat, memang setiap takda kelas je aku balik..hurmm~

How I could have again my joy? erkk? Anyone? Smile just hide your pain but never lose your pain..So i am  Tapi aku nak sedih pun pasal apa? Tak da apa pun..just wanna be with someone do some crazy things..aha ! Like 3days before ! =) Keluar berdua with Anis makan Secret Recipe dan Ais Krim..Dan paling tak boleh blah..gagah jua menunggu bas di tengah hujan lebat..HAHA ! Bertemankan payung pinjam..HAHA ! Such a beautiful moment..Oh wait ! Aku bukan les aaaa..

Cuma I need patner to share some stories with them..Obviously my mum is the right person but sometimes silly things cannot share with her. Yeah y'know ! Mum can be friend but still we have that so-we-called batas batas pergaulan..right? Friends like we can share everything..yeah ! Everything ! Termasuk share some stories about admirer..HAHAHA !

p/s: kenapa mereka macam boleh mengagak? oh deyumm !

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Jam Idaman !

Aku nak jam ini weh..siapa yang baik hati nak belikan? awwww ! Okay, harga dia tak mahal mana pun tapi dia kena beli online pun bukan calang calang, cimb kot? dekat bandar ada lah..jauh tu nak pegi dari tempat aku ni haaaaaaa..alaaaaaa ! Kat mana ade jual bende ni di alam nyata? Admin kata kedai dia dekat Kota Bahru..hurgwaaaaaaa ! Melepas lah macam niiii ='(

Bila Guruku Berbunyi

Benda ni dah lama berlaku tapi aku percaya yang mereka semua bukan serius pun..saje nak market sikit. aku tak pernah terfikir pun yang benda ni akan menjadi isu yang sensitif suatu hari nanti (which now it happen). Now disebabkan kekecohan yang dilakukan student tajaan Petronas yang berkahwin dgn kaum sejenis, relationship status with same gender mula disyak wasangka =,='

Sampaikan teacher bio aku pun sudah berbunyi..nak tengok? here we go :

click photo for larger view

Hurmm..takda apa pun cuma once cikgu dah tegur, pandai pandai lah anak anak murid sekalian ye? =) hihi..
p/s: i miss my high school..tiba tiba =,=' HAHA !

Friday, 16 December 2011


Baru sembilan belas tahun, lek luuuuuuuu ! Yeahh ! Kau nak gelabah apa, baru 19 kot? tak yah nak carik sangat lahh kan ! hurmmm ! Tapi aku cuak jugak ni wei..sembilan belas tahun bukan budak kecik lagi..tahun depan dah 20 tahun..ermm ! takut tak? HAHA !

Mak aku siap warning lagi, lepas habis belajar mesti ade satu..adakah itu satu ugutan? Oh no !! kahkahkah..aku rasa sangat lawak lah wei kalau aku ade pakwe..right now hidup aku pun dah terlalu 'busy' nak cari masa untuk diri sendiri apatah lagi bila dah berpunya nanti..*ehem*

Macam kata kata four sisters, biarlah dia datang sendiri..Alia dah pasrah awal awal suruh mak ayah cari kan..HAHAHA ! lawak lah diorang ni..aduhh ! Oh lupa nak cerita ! Bestfriend aku kat sini terdiri dari empat orang, Alia, Anis, Linda dan Aku..hihi =P kami menggelarkan diri kami FOUR SISTERS (FS)..comel tak? ok, geli ! HAHA !

Aku, hujung hujung sem ni baru lah start rapat dengan diorang mungkin sebab semua sebaya kot? oh maybe ? Malam ni diorang akan sleepover dekat bilik aku memandangkan roomate aku balik..heee ! Macam hot girls *ala ala hotstuff* pulak rasa bila pakai word sleepover ni..adehhh ! Padahal nak lepak tengok movie je ponn..lepak? more suitable word..weeeeee =)

Oh, back to the main topic ! Ha, kau rasa perlu ke aku cari dalam usia yang masih muda dan bergetah mentah ni?? wahahaha =P takkan aku nak start dulu kot? jatuhlah ego aku macam nii..tak manis pun ade jugak kann?? Ah, biar je lah mak aku carik..*ikut Alia* wakaka..tapi tak dinafikan lah ramai yang seusia macam aku ni dah berpunya, dah berkahwin sampai beranak satu pun ada..apadehal kann?

Mengikut perbincangan bersama FS tadi, aku kena ubah attitude aku supaya nampak lebih matang sikit..cewahhh ! Macam mane nak ubah tu?? Aku dah memang natural gila gila..susah tu nak ubah ! Okay rilek rilek..biarlah dia berubah sendiri..wahaha..ishh ! apesal cakap pasal ni pulak hari ni? macam terdesak sangat pulak..ishhhh ! lekluuuuu huehuehue

Tadi adik aku call, cara macam nak suruh aku balik je minggu ni..bosan agaknya tu..kesiannya =( aku pun sedih pula nak jawab call tadi tapi apekan daya, kerja kerja assignment plus kena study untuk test test dan kuiz kuiz saat akhir ni menutup niat untuk pulang..hurgwaaaaaa =(( Takpa, perngorbanan lagi sebulan jeee..lagi sebulan, aku akan cuti semester..wahhh !! sekejap je aku dah habis semester 1 *teruja*..kuikui ade lagi 7 sem lagi aida woiii..ermmm ~

p/s: gaduh gaduh gaduh..tu jelah kerja kau kan?? haihh ! rimas pulak aku !

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Cerita Minggu Ini

Minggu ni sangat teruja okeh?? Gila tension aku minggu ni. Macam macam letcurer nak..haihh ! Sebagai student yang berdedikasi, *ehem* ikutkan saja lah kan? ermm~ Now dah pukul 1 pagi dan aku masih di bangku meja belajar menelaah pelajaran untuk kuiz esok, pelajaran esok, belajar double integral kelas yang aku berseronok sakan ponteng minggu lepas semata mata nak balik awal =,=' so bad !

Time lain taknak pulak dia buat test, time aku first time tak datang ni lah dia nak buat test ! Haihh ! tak pasal pasal aku kena amik test jumaat ni, *rasenye lah*. haihh ! bala balaaa~ :O Nasib baik dua dua long report nak minggu depan *selamat*. Lusa aku ada banyak sangat kerja tertunggak ! namun begitu, malam esok aku kena jadi sukarelawan pula..aduh ! silap timing lah aku nak jadi volunteer ni..aduiii ! how how?? 

Minggu ni memang benar benar menguji tahap keimanan aku lah kann ! belum masuk tugas hakiki sebagai anak, perlu aku cerita? takpe lah ! terlalu private pulak..hehs ! =P  Aku jadi MC? ohh, memang kerja gila lah kann..jangan bagi aku rosak majlis weiii..ampun ampun ! Aku memang talkative kat luar tapi untuk jadi MC, aku rasa masih belum boleh lagi...tolong lah bagi kerja lain, angkat angkat kotak pun boley asalkan bukan as a speaker? hurmm ! =)

Okay, kelas esok akan berlaku dalam masa beberapa jam lagi, so i need my rest now ! biaq pi lah kerja tertunggak tuh..aku dah tak larat dah ni =,='

p/s: asyik jumpa kau je?? jodoh ke?? ahakkzzz

Friday, 9 December 2011

Homie !

Eh, belum sampai rumah lagi lah..heeeee ! Eksited terlebih macam ni lah kann ! HAHAHA ! Tapi aku ponteng satu kelas hari ni..agak malang di situ ye =.=' habis pecah rekod baik aku macam ni ! Haih ! Tapi bukan salah aku..letcurer tu yang tak inform awal awal..aku pun dah plan awal awal..ingat letcurer je boleh cancel last minit? aku pun boleyyy..wahhh ! *ampun dr.* wakaka

Okay, now aku dah bersiap dari segi mental dan fizikal untuk pulang ! yeaahhhh ! cewahhh ! mcm tak pernah balik pulak kannn..wahaha ! =P bye-bye Melaka ! hello, Port Dickson =)

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Ini Gila !

Tag the first name that appears. (TESTING. TESTING)

tag [C] it's COMPLICATED with : Wawaney Chocoluv
tag [H] BROKEN HEARTED by : Mohamed Farid Hamidan
tag [I] IN LOVE with : Nur Hadzmi Ibrahim
tag [M] MARRIED to : Muhammad Firdaus Mohd
tag [F] BF/GF since birth : Flash Man
tag [N] BITTER to : NarEd IBrahim
tag [Z] HOPING TO BE LOVED by : Hifdzul Malik Zainal

yes ! one word ! G-I-L-A !

Monday, 5 December 2011

Bertimbang Rasa Hormat Menghormati

Haih ! Pening aku asyik kelas batal je memanjanggg..bukan lah nak kata aku ni alim sangat ! Tapi kalau sekali dua tu okay lah ni dah sampai berminggu minggu pulak takda kelas, apa kes? Aku nak final ni..walaupun letcurer tu mengajar agak mendukacitakan tapi still we need you, sir !

Okay, malas nak fikir pasal tu dah ! Aku rasa kau ni belum jumpa dengan lawan kau lah..yelah, semua kawan kawan kau tu buta ! Benda yang salah pun diaorang sokong ! Kau tu mulut kasi jaga sikit ! Jangan sampai satu hari orang cili kan je mulut kau baru tahu rasa ! Aku malas lah nak berbalah pasal benda ni ! Tapi ni bukan benda remeh !

Hormat lah sikit perasaan orang yang lebih tua. Kau tu budak lagi, malah sangat budak kot ? Kalau tak nak hormat sesama usia pun, yang lebih tua pun boleh ! Ingat sikit kita ni budak mentah bijak macam mana pun, usia tetap lain ! Maybe diorang tak kata apa apa tapi still kita sebagai sahabat perlu menghormati sesama sendiri.

Sesungguhnya aku semakin menyampah dengan kau ! Aku ni cepat cool orang nya ! Once aku tacing, sekejap je aku kan lupakan tapi dengan kau, aku rasa geram yang teramat sangat ! seriously, sangat ! Aku try untuk menjauhkan sifat benci itu, tapi tak boleh malah semakin hati semakin membuak pula perasaan benci itu ! Maaf ! Kalau boleh aku taknak kau menjadi orang kedua yang aku pulaukan dalam hidup aku ni ! Oh, hari ni aku puasa, minta jaga diri sikit yea aida? hihi~

p/s: hari ni nak berbuka puasa menu apa ya? eh, esok test math ! wish me luck =)

Friday, 2 December 2011

Rindu Berombak ♥

Ehem ehem ! Tajuk sudah menceritakan segala nya jadi perlu ke mukadimah yang panjang? heheh =P Ombak Rindu sangat best ! Seriously ! Aku bukan lah penggemar novel yang tegar bahkan novel Ombak Rindu tu pun belum pernah dibaca, tapi like i told you before, cerita ni sungguh best ! =)

Ini bukan kisah nak sibuk hal rumah tangga orang tapi its about pengorbanan yang sungguh hebat dari banyak pihak ! Ah, malas cakap banyak ! tengok sendiri lah ! aku rasa berbaloi je tiket yang berharga tujuh ringgit tu ! sangat puas hati okay? ermm~

Esok ada SAF lagi tapi kali ni basketball pula. Oh, aku nak minta jadi reserved je boley tak? #malas heeee Aku bukan terror mana pun, terrorist boleh lah ! HAHAHA ! =P Amboi, masing masing baju tak nak kalah, siap bertempah jersi bagai, terbang duit aku wuwuwu

Minggu ni pada aku masa berlalu agak slow.Entahlah, mungkin disebabkan penuh dengan test/kuiz tiba tiba ditambah pula dengan assignment yang dipaksa hantar semua minggu ni ! saban malam tidur tidak pernah kurang dari pukul 2.30 pagi dan ada juga sampai 4.30 pagi esoknya kelas pukul 8..haihh ! eh, ada yang mengajak terjun bangunan hujung minggu ni.. HAHAHA !

Alhamdulillah, minggu ni telah berakhir dengan jayanya. Oh, minggu depan masih tetap sama ! Assignment, kuiz, test sedia menanti untuk disudahi ! Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan hambamu yang kerdil ini ! Ini lah hakikat kehidupan seorang pelajar. Nak tak nak kena tempuh juga ! Lagi lagi nak dekat final ni ! serabut serabut ! Itu belum lagi yang ada bf, pasti kucar kacir hidup ! Kalau aku yang ke-SINGLE-an ni pun asyik busy memanjang sampai masa nak call family pun perlu sedaya upaya mencari apatah lagi mereka ? hurmm~ #hebatbetulmereka

Oh yang pasti, minggu depan aku mesti pulang menjenguk keluarga tercinta ! Itu pasti ! Masa bercanda bersama keluarga perlu ada walau sesibuk mana pun kita #untunglahrumahdekat HAHAHA ! Kalau yang datang dari jauh tu memang tak boleh nak buat apalah kan, hanya doa mengiringi mereka ! Aku pun pernah merasa, jangan risau ! Insya-Allah ! Jauh dimata, dekat dihati heeeee ♥ 

Yang penting, ikhlas dalam setiap perbuatan pasti mendapat ganjaran =) *apesal macam lari tajuk je ni* HAHAHAHA !

I'm a keeper, do you believe me? yeah ! you should ! HAHAHA !
most fav photo of the lastest HAHAHA !
#sajesengetkan heeee

p/s: aku belum ada perasaan lagi, tolonglah faham !

Sunday, 27 November 2011


Oh, maap maap ! Sungguh busy kebelakangan ini sampai blog terabai seketika :O Bukan apa, aku busy SAF lah..cehh ! HAHAHA ! SAF tu apa? Sukan antara fakulti lah..eceeeeee ! Aku atlet okay sekarang..agaga ! =) Walaupun kalah tapi nice try btw =) 5 perlawanan kesemuanya, 2 menang, 2 kalah, 1 seri..okay lah tu kan pertama kali cuba !

Tahu je lah aku ni kann..time kat sekolah dulu memang tak rajin lah kan nak join semua bendalah ni..panas pulak tu haihh =,=' Sampai ada yang kata aku puteri lilin lah bajet anak orang kaya lah tak leh kena panas ! sekarang aku dah tanned ! suka lah tu =,=' Ahh ahhh !

Sumpah kulit aku pedih gila ! kena air sikit dah macam kena api pulak ! aduhh !! Eh, lupa nak bagi tau ! aku join futsal lah dapat num 4..lawan dengan fkm tu yang aku xley tahan..adehh ! memang perit jumpa kakak tu..ayoo~ posisi aku? heheheh aku boleh geng dengan abe khairul fahmi che mat lah..wahaha

Aku berkorban demi catur ni. Takpa lah, next year cuba lagi =) Next week, aku ada game lagi ! kali ni basketball pulak ! Seriously, aku bukan pandai main sangat pun, macam mana boleh terjebak tah =,=' Haihh, memang beriya sungguh aku nak jadi olahragawati, kau ada? fuhhh ! LOL =)

Dah lama aku tak balik rumah ni, rindu :O takpa takpa, next two week aku balik yea ? hihi =P Oh assignment ! mari mari, come to mamaaaaa ! haaaaaa.. bye ! =)

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Maaf !

Hyep ! Aku minta maaf sebab dah buat kau tersipu sipu malu ! adeh ! bukan niat aku sebenarnya cuma aku nak tanya je, kenapa kau suka betul cakap kasar kasar dengan aku ! kenapa ya? Aku tak kisah pun sebenarnya sebab aku memang jenis kasar, wait ! sikit je yaa ! hihi =P

Tapi janganlah sampai buat aku terasa hati ! ah, y'know ! kadang kadang gurauan kau tu kasar sangat ! Makan dalam aku dibuatnya ! haihh ! Nasib baik aku ni cepat chill orang nya ! Kalau tak, memang lah kann ~ senyap je lah aku memanjang ! :O

Aku bukan apa, aku tak suruh pun kau layan aku macam puteri raja ! Cuma layan aku macam kawan kawan lain boleh tak ? Okay, mungkin kau dah malu dengan aku ! Tapi chill lah ! nothing happen lah kalau kita rapat sekali pun ! Haiyaaa ! Rapat or what-so-ever yang sewaktu dengannya, tak bermakna akan menjalinkan hubungan !

Jangan risau ! Aku kawal diri aku, kau kawal diri kau ! sendiri ingat lah kann ! =) Kalau kau act biasa je kan takda lah orang gosip sangat ! Ni kau lagi buat macam tu ! haihh ! Sabar je lah aku kan ! btw, aku bukan nak ngurat kau pun just aku nak kawan dengan semua orang sama rata ! Kalau macam ni, nampak sangat lah macam kita ni bermusuh atau ada something yang tak kena ! Lain kali, cover sikit yaa ? *wink*

Oh, tadi aku tau, aku main futsal suck gila ! Haihh ! Perlu banyak latihan ni tapi bila nak buat? Tournament kurang dari 4 hari ni ! Aduh ! Itu belum campur dengan dilemma aku nak masuk futsal ke catur memandangkan kedua - duanya berlaku pada tarikh yang sama plus waktu juga sama =.=' Tolong aku buat keputusan boley ? hihi =P

p/s: test on test ! Physics, kenapa kau mesti minggu ni jugak ? =,='

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Oh Yeah !

Hey, okay okay aku tau semua dah bosan asyik cerita pasal bola ! Tapi, ada aku kisah? ahh, aku nak cerita jugakk..hihi =P Anyway, congrats Malaysia..yeahh !! =)

Aku tau semua suka,, ada yang tak suka lah..ehem =)  Chill chill ! Malaysia dah menang dah pun..thumbs up ! Terima kasih kepada semua pemain pemain yang tak mensia-sia kan masa yang telah aku curahkan tadi walaupun esok ada test engineering workshop..sobsob :O eh, besok tak cuti heh? hihi =)

Tadi sangat best ! Seriously ! Antara perlawanan yang sangat best pernah aku saksikan sebab penuh dengan debaran, kebencian, sakit jiwa, keseronokan ohh yeahh ! Di tambah pula menontonnya bersama sahabat sahabat tercinta..yang baru berkenalan tadi pun ada..yeay ! Bola telah menambahkan lagi bilangan kenalan aku HAHAHA ! Kau ada ? LOL =)

Ermm, please lah besok cuti boley? Aku tak larat lah nak baca test tu =.='' haihh ! nak jawab ape esok? Baddrol ? Nazmi ? Irfan ? Guru ? Thamil ? Fakri ? Yong ? Asha ? Muslim ? atau KFC? eh? HAHAHA !

p/s: beriya betul mak telefon aku kata ada berita gembira khas buat aku tapi biarlah rahsia..haihh ! ni yang bikin aku tak tidur malam nih..doakan aku beraksi dengan cemerlang test esok yea? lalalala ~

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Password !

FB dengan Twitter tu sama =.='

Yes, I'm female !

Yes, I'm a female. I push doors that clearly say PULL. I laugh harder when I try to explain why I'm laughing. I walk into a room and forget why I was there. I count on my fingers. I hide the pain from my loved ones. I say it is a long story, when it really is not, just to get out of having to tell it. I cry a lot more than you think I do. I care about people who don't care about me. I am strong because I have to be, not because I want to be. I listen to you, even when you don't listen to me. And a hug will always help. Yes, I'm a girl!!!!! 

Soalan ?

Hei heii heiii aku tak paham betullah dengan orang yang tak reti mengawal perasaan nih..aduhh ! Please beb ! control yourself. Okay, aku takde lah hebat sangat dalam meng'control' panas baran nihh tapi still aku chill je lah kalau marah pun. Paling hebat pun aku cerita dekat blog je sbb blog ni mcam everything, yeah ! Everything ! =)

Is like a diary pun ada tapi kurang privacy sikit lah hihi =) Entahlah..memang semua orang berhak marah tapi y'know what? tak semua orang berhak menerima marah itu..kalau marah orang lain, jangan lah orang lain jadi, aku lemah betul lah bab ni..haihhh =.='

Kalau kau lepaskan kat orang lain amarah kau tu, nanti orang benci tau tak? tapi aku bukan jenis suka benci orang..haihh ! Selembut sutera betullah hati aku nih..tak kira lah siapa siapa pun yang buat salah, aku mesti akan lembut semula dan kembali ke perangai asal :O

Susah betul nak buang sifat lembut hati aku nih..adehh! Ade ubat kasi hati keras sikit tak ? hihi =P Chill chill lah semua, jagalah hati semua orang kalau nak semua orang jaga hati anda. Kacau @ buat lawak time orang tengah marah tu, bahaya eh ? =,='

Okay, hari ni tak bape kali tah aku update..haihh =,='

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Sembilanbelasharibulansebelasduaribusebelas !

Hello! Hari ni dah hampir berakhir, so hows today? Seronok ! sebab aku berjaya menahan nafsu duit aku daripada keluar dengan banyaknya seperti selalu :O Driving? Oh, malas nak cerita lah..nanti jadi post yang panjang pulak..apa apa pun alhamdulillah selamat sampai tanpa ada sebarang 'kerosakan' hihi =P

Anyway, good experience i've got today, thanks to everyone ! Each of you, except her, sibuk dok kondem aku je memanjangg..haiihhh ! sabar je lah ! =( Aku rindu twitter lah..macam mana boleh lupa password nihh?? =.='

Aku sempat jugak menyaksikan Harimau Malaya menentang Myanmar tadi..sanggup aku berlari lari anak..heheh Ternyata usaha aku berhasil sebab dapat melihat Fakri menjaringkan gol tunggal buat Malaysia, tahniah ! Walaupun aku selalu kutuk dia dgn Izzaq ! heheh =P biasa lah, manusia memang suka macam tu, cuba kasi dia buat tengok?? Terkencing lah kau~ HAHAHA !

Thanks kepada semua yang menyokong aku tadi, trimass sebab faham situasi aku dan percaya kat aku ! Cuma, mana yang tersilap kiri dan kanan tu aku mintak maaf sesangat ! Apa apa pun, aku sungguh bahagia hari ni, Alhamdulillah =)

p/s: semakin orang kacau kau dengan aku, semakin aku suka kat kau ! Haishhhh ! tolonglah cakap kat diorang yang kau sayang gila dekat awek kau, please ! Aku rimas lah keadaan macam ni ! =.=' Memang aku suka kau, tapi aku tak sanggup nak rampas kau dari awek kau ! tolonglah faham keadaan aku ! aku percaya, satu hari nanti aku pasti akan dapat lupakan kau, PASTI ! =)

Esok !

Aku semakin takut menghadapi hari esok ! kenapa? ah, tadi kan aku dah cerita ? Malas lah nak cerita lagi ! Aku rasa nak deactivate lagi lah fb. Lalai kot ? haishhh ! 

Friday, 18 November 2011


Hye! aku tak tau macam mana nak cerita tapi aku perlu jugak cerita untuk mematikan hati aku yang gundah gulana sekarang ini =\ Aku tau, ada lesen ada gunanya tapi masalahnya aku belum ada keberanian lagi lahhh! nak bawa 6 nyawa pulak tu =.='

Oh mannn! bahaya tahu? U should give me support girl (s)! bukan kondem kan aku..haishh! aku terasa dengan kau, seriously! =\ tapi macam biasalah..i'm act normal, konon hati batu! blahhh! balik balik cerita dekat blog jugak #sigh =P

Ape ape pun aku masih hormat kau dan diam membisu seolah-olah, ya! aku salah tapi aku sahut cabaran kau! Bukan aku tak pernah bawa kereta, bahkan selalu cuma aku tak yakin untuk bawa disini sebab belum pernah bawa kat sini..jalan pun masih teragak-agak! Rileks lah..tak perlu marah! ingat hati kau saja perlu dijaga? hati orang lain juga perlu dijaga..masing masing lakukan tanggungjawablah.

Aku kecil, tak bermakna kau boleh buat aku macam adik kau, anak buah kau! jaga sikit hati basahkering aku ni. Ingat, mulut aku memang diam..tapi hati aku tak diam! Aku harap kau berubah, janganlah belagak sangat! orang belagak ni orang benci tahu? Kau jangan sampai aku tak jejak rumah kau lagi nanti~

Memang kau lagi tua, roomate aku pun lagi tua dari aku..lepak je dia dengan aku? siap boleh chill chill lagi..kau tak payah nak kerek sangat lah..kalau semua kau boleh buat, apasal kau tak buat semua je? hebat kan kau? reti buat semua..aku tak tahu nak buat semua tu.. :O kawan kawan, doakan aku bawa kereta dengan lancar ye esok? =)

p/s: aku salah blog ke nih? eh, taklah =P

Sunday, 6 November 2011


Finally, i arrived safely at my real home..hehe.. =) oh mannn, actually these was a lapuk story LOL :P I'm already been here since friday, now is already sunday which mean, Hari Raya Aidiladha =)

My class end on thursday afternoon but my father pick me up on the evening so, need to spend one night at PD lah kann hiew hiew :P On the next day early in the morning we started out our journey..hoyeahhh! Okay, detail enough? hihi =)

Seriously what a tiring day since it was my first time drove for such a long time plus its manual! hehs! *actually want to show off jee..HAHA Yeah! its quite challenging since i have to drove at the town also, luckily father doesn't ask me to drove at KL, ishhh! mau sesak nafas dibuatnye :P

I'm salute enough who ever can drive a manual car especial girls in busy town like KL, JB, Melaka..well, i have this one, my classmate..shira, she expert enough on these things maybe because she used to it but still is not easy to drive that kind of car, if boy, don't mind lahh kann.. :P

I drove from Gambang (Pahang) if i'm not mistaken until Kuala Terengganu (my home..lalala~)almost 4-5 hours but still have a lot of weakness thats why i'm prefer auto car but if i said that, surely my father will get angry because he said, please learn something difficult first because you want to be easy =) yeah! i know it, dad =)

I guess, this is enough, Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha semua =)

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Spirit, please comeback!

Ehems..=) Evening readers! My mind is very miserable right now..i'm thinking about many things, mean so many things and its about everything..hurmms! I wish i could go back to see my family right now. I need somebody to talk, to listen to my problems, to listen to my complaints..ohh well welll, i need rest! but it doesn't mean i need sleep :O

Tomorrow got Algebra's test! Eventhough its only a test but still its pretend like an exam..and its pretty important too..during this weekend, i did nothing! i dunno what i'm done during these two days! damn it! I lost my spirit, i lost my intention, i lost my goal, i lost almost everything! haishh! its because after i know something but i can't tell you! i want to talk about it but seems like this blog is not suitable to write it here! =( thats why i need somebody now! :'(

I cried almost everyday and pray for this problem to come to the end. Until now, these is remain like this. I guess this is the most crucial problem, biggest problem, hardest problem that i need to going through. Oh, you! please pray for my happiness. thank you ~

p/s: I wish I could be in a small town which no ones knows me and i just being myself by having a small cottage with 'food' around it :\ 

How it feels?

Hye! how it feels when Terengganu lost the match? oh mannnn! disappointing-L-A-H! =( Is like a small heart attack when Sharbinee suddenly entering up the unwanted goal! but, i'm positive! its not his fault just its already their luck. I mean negeri sembilan's luck! well well, congrats to them. I know how it feels just same the happiness that happen to Terengganu in previous final FA when Daudsu (klantanese) 'giving' a goal to Terengganu. Its just same happened to night only the diff was its happened to n9..again, congrats =)

Most of my friends was negeri's fan..well, u'know i'm stay such a long time at negeri's and most of my friends comes from there plus my father was orang nogori too..hehs! thats why at first i'm a bit confusing in choosing team to night but i go for terengganu just because i'm realized  that Terengganu was my first fav team and like i told you before, i'm fall in love with football right after i saw the FA match in past few months..hehe

When i open up my fb acc, most of them or i can say all? was busy updating status about this match and most was like hobin jang hobin..ohhhh! can i click the unlike button? hehs! but we all are Malaysian..tomorrow will be back to more talking like you are strangers =)

I'm very excited to watch this game until i'm willing to stay at Siamese's Cafe to watch this until the end..and i'm feel very happy, enjoyable, excited at first..ohh, undescribable feelings! Terengganu score a goal at first! it gives me and Terengganu fan's the sunshine and hopes to win..thanks anyway =) You did a good job actually just like i told you earlier to night was negeri's luck. In future? no one knows =.='

Matches was like and exams too..sometimes we pass with excellent target but sometimes also we failed, when we failed, just backup, won't look at the back and start to improve the 'things'..oh, well! Terengganu, i know you can do it =) Honestly, i'm not regret at all to spent my night to gives my support =) Its because, i'm die hard fan of football..hihi :P

ehems =)

p/s: i can predict much well on what will happen on Monday's class =)

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Again :O

Hey hey hey..i'm back! hehe :P Not so many thing need to be share as my mid sem break coming soon..very soon..yeahhh! thumbs up! =) I got one week holiday including leaves for Hari Raya Haji..sumpah kedekut cuti kan? hehs :S Today is already Saturday, just got 5 days more to go..yeay! eh, btw i'll come back on Thursday i guess..pleaseeee En. KA, make your class on monday..please please please!!! gedik much? hehs =)

Oh, before that! i need to face Algebra and Calculus test on Monday night! duhhhh :O but luckily the topic just include until matrices..Alhamdulillah..hehs =) i got blur much went it comes to function..yeah! really! =( anybody can help? hehe :S

Today is final for Piala Malaysia andddd the final team was Terengganu vs Negeri Sembilan..i plan to watch it at D' Tom Yam with my housemate..well, y'know! i'm big fan of football =.=' hehs :P but the problem is i dunno which team i'm for because i love both! really! Negeri Sembilan was like my hometown eventhough i'm not really from there but still most of my years had been there and Terengganu is my fav team all the times plus fyi, first time i fall in love with football was after i watch out Terengganu vs Kelantan in previous final FA and i'm a big fan of Terengganu on that time.. oh, well! again, y'know Terengganu won that match..heeee =)

Now, how it could be? I go for Terengganu-L-A-H since both Aidil and Zaquan was already married..HAHAHA! :P eh, not because of that actually! =) i'm prefer Terengganu because my family stay there now oh maybe when my mom transfer back to N9, i'll choose N9?? oh, no one knows..hehe :P

My current life now actually quite miserable..oh, i'm also dunno how to describe it! damn it! :O feels like wanted to go so far away, meant far away..oh, well! to see my family first? maybe cause so long not to see my family, no talking face to face..yeah! u'know! we only texting, calling everyday but still not same when we are meet..ah, u'know that kind of feelings! =)

I miss my mom's cooking a lot! stay independent not so cool actually! really! i'm just pretend like i'm strong stay far from family. All time i'm said i'm okay to them but its actually not! i miss them badly! :( I'm already been stay far starting my boarding school but still i'm can be consider i'm a homesick person hiew hiew =) On the phone is like i'm happy much to be here, my voice, my language, my way showed i'm enjoyed much, stay strong, stay be a superwomen! but its actually wasn't! :O

I miss to be with them plus my roomate going back everyweek eventhough sometimes we only have one day leaves! lucky her! =) everytimes when she come back i'm feel touched! and i'm thinking bout my family! 2 months played pretty fast but this one week seems had such a long time to be arrive! really! :O

No need money, no need travelling, no need lepaking with bestfriends, no need shopping at jusco, mydin, MC or what-so-ever. All i want is to see my family now! dear Thursday, please come faster! seriously :S  

Sometimes when i said i'm okay
I want someone to look at me
in the eyes,
hug me tightly and say
i know y're not.. 

i smile 
cause i want to hide my pain
i act strong
cause i want to hide my weakness
i pretend enjoyed myself
cause i want to hide my hard tears inside..

p/s: i love quotes so much cause i know only by reading those quotes i'm feel much better =)

I'm touch!

I'm touched!
pinjam bahu boley?

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Cloudy Days

Nothing much to be shared today since most of the time i was lepaking in my room..sleeping, studying, housekeeping..yeahh! plus with a very cloudy day..fuhh! sounds very nice to have a good sleep right?hehe

Tomorrow gonna starts a new day..hehs! spirit! please comeback! i'm feels a bit bored everytime wants to be in monday mood..ahh! everyone does it, is't? well well, to night got discussion for fst assignment..fuihhhh! Actually i love to be study alone at night rather then study or joining group discussion at night..the most probably suitable time to do that is in the evening..i guess?hehs.

Again, heavy schedule for tomorrow and the next day..ohh! please, stop sigh my dear Aida! always remember your real intention to be here..hiew hiew! :P I miss my home very much..UTeM, please apply the leave on 24 and 25 of october..please please..i need a long holiday to see my family..arghh! dearest myself, keep calm! Allah just wanted to test your faith..and He know very well that you can handle it pretty much =)

p/s: i miss my fb, a lot :'(

So Hard

Its has been three days i haven't blogging..hell yeah! one word.busy. =) since today, i didn't go out as usually weekend..for the first time, my saturday was being fulfill with completing assignment, doing notes, housekeeping, and didn't went out even to buy the food..HAHA!

Seems a bit weird but i need to survive because my money is went out already..i try hard not to ask the money from my parents as they already give me more than enough monthly just the way i spend over it need to change some more..well, shopping is like a girl's bestfriend..same goes to me! everytime i went out, i never use less then 30 bucks..see? its too much right? but in real, its rarely happen because most of the time i spend more then 80 bucks..ngeeeeeeeeee!

Maybe a part of you feel like, 'eleh, sikit je tu' but for me its bad. really bad! Since i know how manage my budget pretty well if i doesn't going out..huh? i doesn't mean that i doesn't have it at all but for sure whats is left is for the emergency case..yeah, now i admit my sister said, is not easy to manage your money when u're uni student plus all i can say my place was nearer to the town, mean..really town! they have everything here! You can enjoy your day to the fullest! plus with very loose regulation..hiew hiew :P Hopefully I never forgot my real intention to be here! Insya-Allah =)

By any chance,if you are being offered a car or a motorcycle for your own usage, would you take it?? hurmm..there's so many good and bad side..ahhh! everyone actually dream to have it right? oh, well! some goes to me plus my hostel is so suck here! its so hard to find for a food..i didn't say it doesn't have those place at all but they only have one cafe here or i can say like a stall maybe? huh?

p/s: whatever it is, i'm still with Liverpool..heheh :p

Thursday, 13 October 2011


Being as a University student not so cool as you think of. A lot of assignments, tutorials, quizzes, test, exam, mini project, final project..Ahhh, thats not including aside co-curricular activities that you join for extra marks for SMP...haihhh..see? not so cool right? HAHAHA!

But, every people have their own style to enjoy themselves..yeahh! i had too even-though sometimes quite stress with too packed schedule, alot assignment plus really doesn't understand those subject pretty well then on the next day suddenly got pop quiz..haihh! Fortunately, i got to know so many friends here or i can say all of them are very good to me..means, very. =.=' I'm feel bless to know them..they give me full support every time i tell them what i'm feels to be here! thank you. =)

aims high =)

Todays story was very unplanned! hehe..i got a message at 3pm when i was in mamai..they ask me to join them to jog at, i said, 'okaylah'..when the times goes by, they said lets walk until expression was like 'whoaaaaa, :O seriously?' i thought just around my college ..its okay then HAHAHA

still fat?? =.=' fuhh

So, we walk about 3-5km..going to MITC first to see international event for Karate..ok. stop to get free milo sejuk..HAHAHA..then the journey begin..hehe..overall, i'm feels bless today, release some tension cause by physics this morning..fuishhh! susah jugakk :(

see? milo sejukk..hihi :P

Sometimes the wrong decision bring us to the right way of life..does you feel so? =)

p/s: thanks for being so humble to me =))

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Awake =)

Hello world =) good morningggg! heheh :P i'm not just woke up actually because i did some tutorials and note for algebra, its good right? hihi :P i sleep early yesterday, too early :P right after isya' i guess =) so, now early in the morning i feels the fresh instead in my body and air too =)

Still got tutorial for physics need to be done plus study for quiz physics tomorrow..haihhh! hey heyy heyy! i know i can do it just put more effort beyond that..ah, y'know, physic is my crucial subject now :( wheather i like it or not, i need to survive on this subject..wuwuwu :')

This blog seems like a unofficial diary for me..ah-HA! a big thanks for you cause reading this, this blog is the way for me to improve my english by writing in english..if you read my other blog, yes, it is in malay! sometimes my writing in english quite weird but is up to you wants to laugh at me..HAHA!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Evening. Hows your day? Mine was good..erkkhh? No really. or maybe not at all =.=' Feeling tired as i wanted to let you know my packed schedule for today was very packed. very very packed! Started at 8 am until 7pm..but actually the class from 8am to 11am was cancel in the last minute..huhh! kejam gilaa since we all wait for one hour totally after discussing postpone to 9am..weihhh! if my hostel was nearer like my previous matrik, sure i'll come back but here the way is about 10-15km kot?? memang gila lah nak balik kan? fuhh!

So, i just wait there study for the quiz and sleep for a while..HAHA! About the quiz, i perform quite well..i guess so =) ehems! About him? ahh! i'm really felt the pain inside.really! Nothing happen today but most of my friend can feels the 'somethings wrong' about us. Let them guess and time to judge plus i didn't share anything, story anything, tell them anything..if they know the 'thing', for sure it doesn't come out from, who else know the story? you guess~

Tiring day wasn't an often things came to my life..yeah, its true! imma a person who have a lot of 'lepak time' but when this things happen to my body, feels terencat sikit lah..hehe I want to start my diet today, pray for me =)

Algebra and Calculus i guess it the most hated subject of mine but it wasn't actually! hehe..hebat en? HAHA! Physics is more dangerous now since i already left them for about two years maybe? fuhh, thursday having the quiz of technical physics..haiyooo! gila gila :P

p/s: settle this things only between me and you is the best answer i guess?

Stress Up!

I didn't hurt you
I just wanted to make fun of you
Being such a good friend
Whom always be with you 
no matter how physically are you
as a friend.

I know how to separate those feelings
between friends and boyfriend
Don't get me wrong!
I didn't mean to hurt you, really!
Even our friends didn't notice it
How you could do that to me?
You don't know how hurts i'm now
'Thanks' for this thing

I never missed the old you 
Because i just know you
for one month, it is!
So, when this thing happened
I know what to do next..

Good Luck for me and you for tomorrow's quiz =)

p/s: i'm deactive my fb because of you. happy much? huh? =.='

Monday, 10 October 2011

It's Penyu!

To night is the night
Penyu vs Kijang
what be yours?
mine, PENYU LAH =)


Well well pop quiz will start in few hours..but still i pretend like nothing will happen..arghhh! its about matrices babe! ni yang aku lemah betul! the most hated topics when i was in matrix as well as integration and differentiation. Again, i see u here! haishh! watcha say?? Redha sajalahhh =)

Today's i got class early in the morning and late at the evening..see? how unpacked my schedule..HAHA! eh, no lah..actually my lecturer doesn't come today but still need to ganti his class on friday..ishhh! baru je nak rehat 3 hari =.="

I'm wearing Liverpool jersey, itu pun nak bagitau?? HAHA! perlu lah..! if you can see how excited i am wearing this :O hehe.. y'know what? today i planned to buy a new pin number for ptptn because the late one was rejected..haishh! malas nak cerita :B So, i start a new one..but, i CAN'T BUY the number because HEPA wasn't cancel my previous one..cancel letter i've sent a week ago kot? ahh, mybe two weeks ago..but they didn't did their work! they didn't sent the letter to PTPTN office! haishhh..sumpah geram gilaaaa!  The previous PTPTN was cancel also cause by them..eeeee! if they as me to sent by myself, i still can do that! see? how i need to face the trouble!

I won't ask for ptptn if i born with silver spoon lahh! so, the final answer, i ask the things for the second sem or maybe not for ptptn..scholarship i guess?? hehe..ok. lets pray for my success.thankyou. =)

A phase for you,
You know the story but you pretend like doesn't!

p/s: bila nak pujuk aku?

Long Days

Hey hey hey..i've been not blogging for soooo long..watcha say? yeah! it is! M-A-L-A-S! well well! i dunno how to start it again since lama dah tinggalkan dunia blogging but still i'll come back when the midsem break come as well as formspring and twitter =)

My life now? yeah! it's pretty fast..i can't described on what had happend to me :| yeah! weird feeling.towards anything.~ maybe sometimes i feel bless to be here but sometimes i feel glad to be at matrik. huh? nobody knows even mine also can't described my feeling, my mind at all :O

Right now, alots of tutorials, reports, assignments, quizzes, tests waiting for me..fuhh, anybody can help me? ya, no ones =.=' i'm stress much but still under control but then when it comes to private life, i am miserable :O y'know what? i got confusing with everything!! i'm act normal towards everyone..yes, it is! since i haven't start a relationship with anyone..but sometimes they feels like i wanted to tackle them..haishhh! tolonglah jangan perasan! maybe thats my bad simply act peramah at everyone but still i know how to separate between feeling as a friend and boyfriends! got it? yeah, maybe u can't understand me. ok, i'm unpreadictable..ohh..whatever-lah.. tapi still, aku belum suka sesiapa!! haishh! please don't misunderstood me!

i have this one, but let be a secret first
For you, I miss you =)

Sunday, 25 September 2011


Obviously not a busy day but still i got assignment, tutorial, revision need to be is already 1 pm then i feels like want to sleep for a while =)

Y'know what, the plan to play futsal yesterday actually works! ngeeee..thanks to everyone who joined yesterday..Honestly, i got very excited feelings toward that event..hehe well, i played quite well eventhough i only score one GOALLLLL! HAHA!

Actually the most exciting parts is when u score the goal plus ur team won that game but yesterday my team lost the game..fuhh! but it's okey since we just played for fun =) I can felt that peluh meleleh leleh u'know! hihi :P

My classmate was really awesome since they really make it happened eventhought we got so much problems and actually we always make last minutes cancel especial we (the girls)..HAHA! yeahh! it's simple to be boys because only one minute plan and it's happened! Diff with the girls, as we need to ask permission from ur parents, find a transport, cannot back at the midnight..see? how many stages we need to pass?? Huehue =)

Okey, i guess that's the end now..bye bye =)

Saturday, 24 September 2011


Today i'm feel a bit sad since i want to go to the futsal but Elly have family matter so, i can't go without her since she's my driver..HAHA! Obviously i'm feel sad because is only the way i want to closer my relationship to my friends..wuwuwu :S

But I know there's must be something to show behind these..God knows it already =) daily lives being a better day by day..bye!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

First Start =)

Good day people! =)
Since today my class doesn't packed enough, so seem like i'm not really tired as you can see, i'm onliningggg and update this blog..ohh yeahh!

Seen i've started to speak in english yesterday with my housemates and alhamdulillah! it's continues today and i really hope it won't be hangat hangat tahi ayam like in my secondary school..i'm really feel regret because doesn't takes the advantange from my friends who are very power in english..oh really suck there! :(

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Home Sweet Home

Aku dah sampai Pee Dee..baru je, takde lah baru gilaa..ade lah dalam satu jam lebih..bersih bersih kan rumah dulu..hiew hiew :D memang sumpah rasa eksited gila..hehehe.. perjalanan mengambil masa dalam 6 jam, 5 jam daripadanya aku tido jekk..zzZZzz..HAHA!

Mane tak nyaa..aku tido pukul 2 am pastu pukul 3.30am mak aku dah kejut suruh mandi bagai..nampak tak bape jam je aku tido?? so, qada' ar..huehue! now, nak makan ah..lapar siottt! eh, walaupun aku 'tak puasa' tapi aku macam org puasa kau tau tak??? sahur tak makan, breakfast tak makan..perghh! mati lah aku! cuma up sikit je dari mangsa Somalia :)

Ok, chowwwww! :D

Friday, 26 August 2011

Selamat Tinggal

Aku dah nak balik PD esokkk..yeayyy! Okay, personally sedih sikit lah sebab dah tak datang KT lagi ni sebab terus hantar aku masuk U 4 hb nanti..bye bye! hehe

Aku dah kemas kemas semua baju baju :) Wahhh..tinggal bape helai jek..biar kakak aku je lah kemas yang lain tu..HAHAHA! again! aku dah takde idea nak taip lagi..haihh! bye!

Thursday, 25 August 2011

It’s Jubah babe!

Weeeeeeeeeeeee....aku dah ade jubah okeeee! :D happy? Of course lahh! HAHAHA! Sebenarnya aku berangan nak ade jubah ni dah lama dekat 2-3 bulan yang lalu kot?? cuma belum tertunai je hajat nak beli tu sebab malas nak carik..huahua! tapi tadi time mak aku jalan jalan beli tudung, aku ternampak jubah tuuuu! Aku ingat nak kirim kat Mak Teh sebab bulan 3 nanti dia nak pergi umrah :)

Wahhh..padan gila kot dengan body aku cuma aku tak boleh pakai kasut tinggi je sebab nnt nampak senting sangat! Buruk nanti..wakaka :P kakak dengan adik aku dengki gilaaa..diorang cakap tak cantik..urghhh! memang dengki weh..mak aku kate cantik jeee??LOL

Jubah tu kaler hitam memang sesuai dengan yang aku nak gituu..aww! Alhamdulillah..sekali lagi Allah ampunkan doa aku :) betul lah! Kalau kita sering berdoa, nescaya Dia akan kabulkan cuma cepat dengan lambat jee :) again, Alhamdulillah :D

Aku rasa hidup aku kebelakangan ni bless gila kot?..oke, bukan nak riak! Tapi is like a miracle y’know? Dulu nasib aku selalu malang jeee..Starting form 4 sampailah penghujung matrik hari tu..:( until tuttt..happen! Aku tak boleh cakap lahh! Sampai aku give up gila kot..memang redha habis lah kalau lepas ni ape ape jadi kat aku..hurmm :(

Now aku sedar, yang Dia tu Maha Mendengar! Dia tetap dengar cuma cepat dan lambat je Dia nak makbulkan :) mungkin ada sesetengah perkara aku rasa aku sangat tak beruntung! Aku doa ini, dapat itu..hurmm..last last end up dengan menangis..sungguh tak bersyukur!! :( Tinggal dekat rumah dah hampir 5 bulan, aku terasa dekat dengan-Nya :)

Aku percaya sekarang, kalau kita sabar, tawakkal dan istiqamah..nescaya! Dia mempertimbangkan permintaan kita :) Jangan lupa kepada-Nya walau sesaat pun! Ya Allah! Kau jauhkanlah diriku dari anasir anasir bisikan iblis..Aminnn.. :D

p/s: post ni bukan riak, belagak, takkabur tapi lebih kepada menunjukkan kesyukuran..Alhamdulillah :) )

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Tadi aku dah settle semua print out kertas kertas ptptn
cuma sekarang tak isi lagi je..
hurmm..banyak betul! takde mood aku nak isi malam ni..
esok lah aku isi dengan kusyuk..HAHA!

Aku dah takde idea nak tulis ape kat main blog aku..haihh!
Maaf my followers, aku tak boleh menaip selancar dulu lagi..
Bye semua :)

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Fallin' In You

Aku rindu formspring yang duluuu..
Bukan sekarang dah tak best, lagi meriah kot? 
Tapi still aku rase semangat nak ber'formspring' lagi best lah time dulu dulu
Mase awal awal aku 'join' fs..

Aku buat fs ni dah lama tapi baru start aktif adelah dalam 2-3 bulan kebelakangan ni :)
Aku suka time ade kakak susubasi, kak adira, mun, azmeer, fit, dan sometimes ade azar join..
Best kot time tu, rindu :(

Now, mun busy, kak susubasi dgn kak dira on9 tak kire masa kot..
Azar pulak jarang on..tggl aku dgn fit je..tak best ahh..
Harun ajis tu pun kekadang je..
warghhh..dah tak best macam dulu..
So, semangat aku pun macam dah takde nak main bende alah nih..

Maaflah, aku memang ego..campur pulak kau yg lagi ego..
memang tak kemana lah hubungan tu..padan muka dua dua :P
Bongok jugak aku ni kan?? boleh pulak suka kat kau!
TAK NAK!! tolonglah hilangkan perasaan aku ni cepat! haihh..

Semalam aku bukan maksudkan F! 
Well, perempuan memang pemalu..lagi lagi aku! >.<
So, aku pilih F bukan tu pun maksudnya..
cuma aku nak sorok je feeling aku towards kau..
Kau ego!, so aku lagi ego! :P

Semalam aku ber'tweet-tweet' dengan deeya dan ainul!
ermm..baru lah best main twitter kalau ade org nak main bende tu dengan kite kan?? LOL
Aku bukan taknak follow kau, tunggulah kau follow aku!
Kau dah lupa ke quotes kegemaran aku??HAHAHA!

Hati aku cepat rapuh dan cepat pulih, jadi jangan risau! :)

Alhamdulillah :)

Heyy babyyy! tadi aku jumpa satu buku macam ala ala sketch book gitu..ahh, aku tau tu adik aku punyaa..rembat lah satu..HAHA! ingat nak upload kat sini tapi gigibiru fon aku buat hal pulakk..tak dapat aku nak show off sikit..LOL

Hari ni aku berkemas kemas y'know..perghh! nazak betol hidung aku dgn habuk habuk nih..huehue..takde lah settle semua, tinggal baju baju plus buku buku yang nak kene masuk kat beg adidas aku tuu..HAHA! :P

Now nak bace bab ptptn pulak..wahh..rules taknak banyak pulak kan? kawan kawan aku semua dah print siap berisi lagi kot?? aku?? bace pun tak lagi..haihhh! Tapi ape ape pun aku bersyukur sangat sebab dapat pinjam jumlah wang aku doa..alhamdulillah :) cume kurang seribu je..HAHA! cukup lah tampung kos biaya study dgn sewa hostel..bulanan, macam biasa lah..biasiswa mapa? huahua..

Tapi still cukup jugak..tak membebankan mak ayah aku lah everytime aku masuk sem baru :) kesian kakak aku..tak dapat pinjam banyak sebab tu mak aku macam 'nazak', Allah tu Maha Mengetahui kesusahan hamba hamba nya :D..time aku pinjam, Dia bagilah lebih sikit..syukur Alhamdulillah :)

Cuma kakak aku jeles sebab dia kene pinjam lagi banyak dari aku..HAHA! sebab dia pinjam untuk dip hari tu banyak kot? tak pe takpe..kalau kita sering berdoa, Dia akan permudahkan cara :)

Okay, nak aku update lagi..bye! :)

Monday, 22 August 2011


Lega rasa dah tulis ape yang terbuku kat hati
Haihh! Susah jugak kalau buat kerja tak ikhlas nih..
Pahala tak dapat, dosa pulak bertambah..LOL
Now, lega and start to do something lebih ikhlas :)

First Post!

Ni first post untuk blog baruu..!
Actually aku nak buat blog lagi baru tapi malas nak sign 2-3 kali lah..
jadi aku nak sorok blog ni dari profile tapi tak boleh..
macam mane hah nak buat ni??kantoi lah nanti aku ade dairy online..haihh!
okay, ni macam ala ala diary lah..aku tulis semua benda kat sini 
Okay, selamat singgah :)