Most of my friends was negeri's fan..well, u'know i'm stay such a long time at negeri's and most of my friends comes from there plus my father was orang nogori too..hehs! thats why at first i'm a bit confusing in choosing team to night but i go for terengganu just because i'm realized that Terengganu was my first fav team and like i told you before, i'm fall in love with football right after i saw the FA match in past few months..hehe
When i open up my fb acc, most of them or i can say all? was busy updating status about this match and most was like hobin jang hobin..ohhhh! can i click the unlike button? hehs! but we all are Malaysian..tomorrow will be back to more talking like you are strangers =)
I'm very excited to watch this game until i'm willing to stay at Siamese's Cafe to watch this until the end..and i'm feel very happy, enjoyable, excited at first..ohh, undescribable feelings! Terengganu score a goal at first! it gives me and Terengganu fan's the sunshine and hopes to win..thanks anyway =) You did a good job actually just like i told you earlier to night was negeri's luck. In future? no one knows =.='
Matches was like and exams too..sometimes we pass with excellent target but sometimes also we failed, when we failed, just backup, won't look at the back and start to improve the 'things'..oh, well! Terengganu, i know you can do it =) Honestly, i'm not regret at all to spent my night to gives my support =) Its because, i'm die hard fan of football..hihi :P
ehems =)
p/s: i can predict much well on what will happen on Monday's class =)