Seriously, I dont know how to make an intro. Im just making this blog kind of my diary for my leisure time. Is just that. Im not hoping anybody to read it. Im not calling for a follower. I dont want to be famous or something. Just that I want to write what I feel in the particular moment. Writing is only way to express my feeling. Im glad having you to read my story even this blog is sooo boring.
The title actually express my feeling toward my fyp project. Fyp stands for Final Year Project incase you dont know. I already came to the hardest part of my study which is not I used to like it. I dont have any experience in doing of any project, even a small one. Eventho Im an electronic student. Shame on me =,='. Right now, Im feeling so hard to continue doing this. My lects said, it normal for who to start a new thing. When you already started to do it, or in process of doing it, you will be okay. I so much hope it is true.
I've chosen a topic. But I dont really understand about it. Im feel so fool. Not a regret. Just that I think none of the project is easy. Like it or not, you have no choice. I hope I can handle this a much as I can handle other thing. Pray for me please, can you?
XoXo, Me.