It has been a while since my last update. I mean soooo long? Miss me? Of course not, did you? Hehe. Actually, I'm not kind of busy just too lazy being not-so-cool person. Hell yeah, what im talking about? =,=' I dont know how to make a 'comeback'. All I know now just want to share what im feel right now. Feelin some kind of been bullying or 'dipergunakan' or something. The feeling is so bad. I know you did not a full story but just read. Just read. I mean it. Hurm
Right now, im a third year degree student for last sem. Next sem will be my forth year. Im staying in a rental house. Having a not-so-cool housemate is so bad. A real bad. They just pretending like nothing happen. I mean, in everything. A lot. As for now, our washer machine was not working for the past 2 months. Im not the last user. And it was not a first time I called the technician. It always me to handle everything in this house. Everything! Not only a washer, a rental payment, cooking gas. Is like I am the only person staying in this house. They seem like ignore everything. They keep asking me 'bila nak betulkan ini, bila nak betulkan itu, bagitau tuan rumah, bla bla bla'.
I just wanna keep the 'housemate friendships' okay. But everytime is me. Only me. Being fixed up everything. Im not complaining, just asking for responsibility and some cooperation maybe? Seem like I'm also 'a mother' to them even two of them are 25th and 24th years old. And the other two busy with their partners. Go hell yeah!
Im give up. Feels like i have been bullied. Sorry for this post. I dont know to whom I want to share. I just wanna to talk. Not asking for for advice. Just that feel a relief. I know I have family to talk to. But sometimes writing is more capable to make relief.
XoXo. Me.